Section 1: General
Pine Point Tennis Club is a Not-for-Profit Incorporated club, located at 15 Grierson Road in Pine Point Park in Etobicoke.
Pine Point Tennis Club operates under the sponsorship of the City of Toronto Parks and Recreation Department. All members shall abide by the City of Toronto rules and regulations.
Pine Point Tennis Club is guided by its Constitution as originated in 1959 and amended in 2016.
Aims and Objectives
The aim of Pine Point Tennis Club is to promote tennis in the Toronto area as a lifetime activity by providing a pleasant atmosphere and forgiving clay courts.
Pine Point Tennis Club provides tennis professionals for game improvement and junior participation.
Pine Point Tennis Club offers various social and competitive opportunities for all members.
For the purposes of these By-Laws the following definitions shall apply:
• “AGM” shall refer to the Annual General Meeting.
• “Club” shall refer to Pine Point Tennis Club.
• “Committee” shall refer to the elected and appointed members of the committee of the Pine Point Tennis Club.
• “Executive” shall refer to the Executive Officers of the Club, consisting of President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Recording Secretary. The past President will be a non-voting member of the Executive, but without mandatory attendance at Committee meetings.
• “Quorum” shall refer to the minimum number of people who must be present for a meeting to be official. For the Annual General Meeting, this number will consist of 10% of the adult members. For Committee meetings, this number will consist of the President or Vice-President and at least 4 other Committee members.
Copy of By-Laws
Every member of the Club shall be entitled to receive a copy of the By-Laws on request. A copy of the By-Laws will also be available on the Club’s website.
Section 2: Membership
Classes of Members
The classes of members in the Club shall be as follows:
• Adult Member: any person who is 18 years of age or older as of January 1st of the current year.
• Senior Member: any person who is 65 years of age or older as of January 1st of the current year.
• Junior Member: any person who is under 18 years of age as of January 1st of the current year.
• Student Member: Any person who is 18 to 22 years of age as of January 1st of the current year, and in full-time attendance at an educational institution.
Expiration and Renewal
Membership is on an annual basis and expires when the courts close at the end of the season.
The Executive may elect to decline an application for membership in the event that complaints have been received regarding the applicant in previous seasons. The reasons must be provided to the applicant, so that they may have an opportunity to respond to the complaint.
The Executive may elect to suspend the membership of any member whom it judges to be acting destructively to the principles of the Club.
The Executive will determine before the beginning of each season:
• The fees for Adult, Senior, Junior, Student, and Family memberships for the year.
• The Guest fees for the year.
• The Initiation fees, if any.
Privileges of Members
Each member is entitled to a club key or access code to access the courts and clubhouse.
Each member is entitled to bring guests to play at the Club. Guests must be accompanied by a member and must pay Guest fees in envelopes provided and deposited in the mailbox. Guest privileges expire at the end of the day.
Responsibilities of Members
Members shall abide by all club rules, regulations, and the Code of Conduct. A copy of these documents will be available on the Club’s website.
The last member to leave at night will lock the clubhouse and gate.
Section 3: Composition of the Committee
The elected and appointed committee members shall carry out the business of the Club.
Elected Voting Members
• President
• Vice President
• Treasurer
• Secretary
• Membership Director
Appointed Voting Members
Appointed positions are non-required and may be amended as needed.
• Round Robin Convenor
• Social Convener
• Publicity & Promotion Coordinator
• ICTA Representative
• Tournament Coordinator
• Junior Program Coordinator
• Website Coordinator
• Landscaping Coordinator
• Court and Grounds Maintenance Coordinator
• Pro Coordinator
Non-Voting Members
• Past President
• Head Tennis Professional
Committee members must be 18 years of age or older.
Committee members must have a fully paid membership for the current year.
Section 4: Election Procedures
• Elections shall take place at the AGM.
• Elected positions are valid for a one-year period lasting from the fall AGM of the current year to the AGM of the following year.
• Each adult member of the club shall be entitled to one vote for each position.
• Each adult member of the club shall be entitled to nominate themselves for a position.
• The order of the candidate’s names on the ballot shall be decided by lot.
• If only one candidate is nominated for a position, the candidate shall be acclaimed.
• Only the names of the successful candidates shall be made public.
• The Executive may appoint additional members to vacant positions during the season.
Section 5: Responsibilities of Elected Members
• Oversee all aspects of the club.
• Assure the Not-for-Profit Incorporation papers are current.
• Assure the club obtains and pays for the City of Toronto annual permit.
• Coordinate with the Ontario Tennis Association for membership fees, insurance fees, and assure the Club is a member of good standing.
• Attend any Tennis Toronto meetings.
• Organize committees and hold meetings in coordination with the Secretary, throughout the year.
• Hold and organize the AGM.
• Arrange the spring preparation and autumn closing of the courts and sprinkler system with the Court Preparer and organize the delivery of Har-Tru products.
• Finalize work with the Tennis Pro.
• Assist with the leadership and promotion of the Club.
• Act for the President in the absence of the President.
• Assist the President with any special projects or absent committee positions.
• Create the budget for the year in coordination with the President.
• Prepare the financial report for the AGM.
• Deposit any fees.
• Keep an accurate record of all financial transactions.
• Take minutes of all meetings, including the AGM
• Send copies of minutes to all committee members
• Keep records of all meetings.
Membership Director
• Set annual membership fees and propose to the committee any membership incentives for approval.
• Receive membership applications.
• Collect membership fees and provide them to the Treasurer or President for deposit.
• Prepare membership list and keep the committee informed of membership status
• Collect any guest fees, record them, and provide them to the Treasurer or President for deposit.
Section 6: Meetings
Annual Meetings
The President must call at least one general meeting per year, notification of which shall be announced at least 14 days prior to the meeting.
All current members of the club are entitled to attend the General Meeting.
Committee Meetings
The President or any three members of the Executive may call meetings of the Committee at any time throughout the year, notification of which shall be announced at least five days prior to the meeting.
At all meetings of the Committee, every question shall be decided by a majority of the votes cast on the question. In the case of an equality of votes, the President shall be entitled to a second or casting vote.
Section 7: Finances
The financial year shall be from October 1st to September 30th, unless deemed otherwise.
The signing officers shall be the President, the Vice-President, and the Treasurer. Two signatures shall be required for any transaction.
Section 8: Conflict of Interest
Any time that the Committee is doing business with a member of the Committee, whether directly or with a business enterprise with which the member is associated, the member shall declare a conflict of interest and shall not deliberate or vote.
Membership is on an annual basis and expires when the courts close at the end of the season.
The Executive may elect to decline an application for membership in the event that complaints have been received regarding the applicant in previous seasons. The reasons must be provided to the applicant, so that they may have an opportunity to respond to the complaint.
The Executive may elect to suspend the membership of any member whom it judges to be acting destructive to the principles of the Club.
The Executive will determine before the beginning of each season:
• The fees for Adult, Senior, Junior, Student, and Family memberships for the year.
• The Guest fees for the year.
• The Initiation fees, if any.
Privileges of Members
Each member is entitled to a club key or access code to access the courts and clubhouse.
Each member is entitled to bring guests to play at the Club. Guests must be accompanied by a member and must pay Guest fees in envelopes provided and deposited in the mailbox. Guest privileges expire at the end of the day. Members cannot bring an external coach or a teacher with the purpose to take lessons. In special circumstances, this can be waived upon requesting such an instance with the club president and tennis pro.
Responsibilities of Members
Members shall abide by all club rules, regulations, and the Code of Conduct. A copy of these documents will be available on the Club’s website.
The last member to leave at night will lock the clubhouse and gate.
Section 8: Conflict of Interest
Any time that the Committee is doing business with a member of the Committee, whether directly or with a business enterprise with which the member is associated, the member shall declare a conflict of interest and shall not deliberate or vote.